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Metrotile Option
Available in five colours and with a 40 year manufacturers guarantee Metrotile Shingle weighs up to one seventh of equivalent traditional materials whilst offering superior protection and benefits. It is a simple and elegant solution for any roof project and can be fixed from vertical, down to a minimum pitch of 10 degrees.
Tapco Slate Option
Manufactured from recyclable virgin limestone and polypropylene Tapco Slate tiles are easy to install with pre-marked nailing and exposure guides and spacers. Available in five colours and with a 40 year warranty Tapco tiles are almost indistinguishable from natural slate. The tapco slate roofs can go to a minimum pitch of 14 degrees.
Watch How We Do It

Building Control
Building control regulations are minimum standards for design, construction and alterations to virtually every building. The regulations are developed by the UK government and approved by Parliament. Our Roofliner roof has been designed to be able to comply with these regulations.